Classification of Local Climatic Regions in Korea

우리나라 상세기후지역의 구분

Lee, Seung-Ho;Heo, In-Hye;Lee, Kyoung-Mi;Kwon, Won-Tae

  • Published : 2005.12.30


Local climate of South Korea is diverse due to complexity of toof study is to classify local climatic regions based on geographical factors, and vegetation, crops and housing types. Altitude is the most important geographic factor in the establishment of climatic regions. It is defined the area over 300 m above the sea level as the mountain climatic region. The Phylostachys, Evergreen broad-leaved forest and Hedera rhombea of natural vegetation have become indices of climatic division. The setup of folk house is an index of inland and coastal climatic division of Jungbu region. Also, the northern limit of precocious species rice plants is similar to the boun-dary of mountain climatic region, that of wintering Chinese cabbage if boundary between Nambuclimatic region. The meso-climatic region of South Korea can be divided into Jungbu, Nambu, southern coast and islands, and mountain climatic regions by the distribution of vegetation, crops and the setup of folk houses. The boundaries between the southern type and the northern type garlic, and the northern limit of highland potato and tea tre, the mountain range in Sangyungpyo, the setup of folk houses, and the flowering time of cherry blossom have been selected as boundary indices of local climatic division. Finally, South Korea is divided into 48 local climatic regions.



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