The Comparison of Stretching for Prevention of Shoulder Disease in Elders

노인의 어깨질환 예방을 위한 스트레칭 비교

Park, Hye-Sang;Park, Tae-Seop

  • Published : 2005.01.30


This study was performed to figure out the variation of the range of motion on the shoulder joint in elders by stretching techniques. So it is possible to find out the effectiveness of three stretching methods on shoulder joints of elder peoples. The subjects of the study were 36 elders including 9 for static-active group, 7 for light-resistance group, 9 for PNF group, and 11 for control group, respectively. To estimate each joint angle the Dualer Plus Inclinometer was used with the subjects in supine position. This procedure is 4 ${\times}$ 7 factorial designed with repeated measured on the last factor. For comparison among groups Two-Way ANOVA with repeated measured on the last factor was used and Scheffe's test was used for the post-hoc test. The result of the test revealed that the effect of the stretching, which includes ROM(range of motion) for flexion and extension, were statistically significant(p<.05) on shoulder. In flexion on shoulder joint there was significant difference(p<.OS) between control group and PNF group. In extension on shoulder joint all of the each pair of groups showed significant difference(p<.05). As a conclusion, the PNF stretching has the biggest effect of the stretching on the each joint, The Static-Active stretching has the next, and Light-Resistance stretching has the least effect among the three stretching methods. Especially, the PNF stretching has a great effect on ROM of flexion and extension of shoulder joint and this effectiveness is found out after 3 weeks.



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