Model of e-Learning Teaching-Learning Contents Development for Self-directed Learning: On the Basic of Specialized Subjects in Vocational High School

자기주도적 학습을 위한 e-Learning 교수․학습 콘텐츠 개발 모형: 실업계 고등학교 전문교과를 중심으로

Kang, Kyeong-Jong

  • Published : 20051200


Since e-Learning targets a large number of learners, consideration of individualization is necessarily required. Additionally, people are asking for intelligent education services, as the society becomes a knowledge-based one with on restrictions by time and space. e-Learning programs are increasing dramatically every year in corporations, schools, government etc. As Internet-based e-Learning are increasing, the matter of grave concern is design for security of education contents in quality and effectively development and it delivers. But, it was not e-Learning contents for vocational high school students, furthermore it was not model of e-Learning contents development for e-Learning contents The purpose of this study is to develop model of e-Learning teaching-learning contents development for poor basic learning, poor self-directed learning of vocational high school students. For accomplishing it, this study conducted various research methods. Extensive literature was collected and reviewed. A panel of expert committee was held in order to discuss and search the education plan which were made by researchers. The results of this study were as follows: It developed model of e-Learning teaching-learning contents development for poor basic learning, poor self-directed learning of vocational high school students. The model of development is five-process((1) planning/educational need analysis, (2)design, (3)develop, (4)implement and management, (5)evaluation). This paper suggests liner flowchart and partial liner flowchart on self-direction.



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