Development of an Visibility Analysis Method of Cityscape through Three Dimensional Expansion of ISOVIST

ISOVIST의 3차원 기능확장을 통한 도시경관의 가시성 분석기법 개발

Kim, Choong-Sik;Lee, In-Sung

  • Published : 2005.04.30


ISOVIST is an efficient and potentially effective technique for the analysis of cityscape. The technique, however, is only able to handle two-dimensional space, and its application has been limited to the analysis of relatively small spaces. This article examined various ways to enhance the capability of the technique, and developed a three-dimensional analysis technique: 3D-ISOVIST. The new technique can provide three-dimensional information of cityscape, such as view distance, view volume, and view ratio of specific element in a specific distance from the view point. It also has an efficient data processing capabilities, and can analyse the visual characteristics of vast area. We applied the 3D-ISOVIST in the visual analysis of Sin-Lim Ro, Seoul. The analysis results show that the technique can provide a number of three-dimensional visual indices which can be effectively utilized in the analysis, evaluation and planning of cityscape.



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