Comparison of the burnout use Violence of Individual-sports Athletes and team-sports Athletes

단체종목과 개인종목 운동선수들의 폭력으로 인한 탈진 비교

Sim, Hyang-Bo;Won, Yoo-Byeong

  • Published : 2005.07.30


The purpose of this research is as following. First, types of assaulters and violence and harassment. Second, forms of violence and harassment among Individual-Sports athletes and team- sports athletes. Third, tburnout states of Individual-Sports athletes and Team-Sports athletes In addition, this study purports to help athletes develop a sense of their own identity by minimizing the dropout of athletics due to violence and harassment. In order to achieve these two purposes, we conducted a research on622 athletes of boys^D high schools located in D city, I city, and P city. The research was prosecuted depending on two complementary methods; one is SAMBI(Sport Adaptation of the Maslach Bumout Inventory) questionnaire employed as a way of getting objective information about the characteristics Specifically, we figured out the respective mean and standard deviation of Individual-Sports athletes and team sport athletes and performed a t-test of the differences between the two separate groups in order to compare and contrast the levels of burnout of the two categories. We also performed a$x^2$to compare and contrast the levels of violence and harassment of the two categories. The results of the above multi-faceted work led us to the following conclusions Assaulters who use violence and harassment on athletes are in the order of senior athletes, leaders, and parents according to proportion. As for types of violence, verbal-physical violence, verbal violence, and physical violence are employed in the order stated according to proportion when senior athletes are assaulters; verbal-physical violence, physical violence, and verbal violence, when leaders are assaulters; verbal-physical violence and verbal violence in almost the same proportion in the case of parents being assailants. In individual sport, no violence and verbal violence are more frequently employed, while in team sport physical violence and verbal-physical violence are more frequently used. In the influence which the burnout states of Individual-Sports athletic victims and team- sport athletic victims exercise on depersonalization and degree of personal accomplishment, there is 50m2 significant difference between the two categories. In contrast, there is no significant difference in their influence on emotional burnout between the two categories.



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