Ways of Promoting the System of Volunteer Guide for Cultural and Historic Places in the Nation-Focusing in the Cases of Susan

문화유산해설사제도의 활성화 방안 - 부산시 사례를 중심으로 -

Choi, Young-Joon

  • Published : 2005.06.17


Volunteer Guide for Cultural & Historic Places is a system introduced by Ministry of Culture and Tourist in 2001 in order to raise the understanding of our cultural heritage and improve the quality of cultural experiences. Thus the purpose of this study is to find problems with the system operating in this nation and provide solutions to them through reviewing related literature and comparing and analyzing relevant local and foreign case studies. For the purpose, this researcher closely investigated the current status of the system by making free interviews workers of agencies concerned and volunteer guides for cultural and historic places who were in active service. This also supplemented literature and theoretical researches about the system. Few results and conclusions have been accumulated about the theme of this study, making difficult data collection and theoretical arrangement. For this reasons, the researcher focused on related case studies.



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