Comparison of job satisfaction between dental hygienist and assistant nurses in Daegu, Korea

대구광역시 소재 치과병의원에 근무하는 치과위생사와 간호조무사의 직무만족도 비교

Hong, Suk-Sun;Jeong, Seong-Hwa;Kim, Hye-Young;Choi, Youn-Hee;Song, Keun-Bae

  • Published : 2005.06.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate job satisfaction of dental hygienists and assistant nurses who were employed at the private dental clinic in Daegu, Korea. Methods: The data was obtained from 1,504 dental hygienists and assistant nurses who were employed at the private dental clinic in Daegu, Korea during 4 months(March to June, 2004). The survey was performed by a face-to-face interview questionnaire consisting of 30 items and the 5 point Likert type response format. The respondents were 577 from dental hygienists and 407 from assistant nurses. The adjusted response rate was 65.4%(984/1,504). We analyzed differences of job satisfaction and 8 job facets satisfaction according to socio-demographic characteristics and job related characteristics using SAS 8.01. Reults: The relationship between age and working performance was statistically meaningful with theincrease of age(p < 0.05). Married personnel had high job satisfaction score of working performance than unmarried person, and the longer the professional career, the higher job satisfaction score. The total job satisfaction mean score was 3.14 at dental hygienists and 2.86 in assistant nurses. Conclusions: Dental hygienists had significantly higher job satisfaction than assistant nurses.



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