The Effects of Age Perception on Physical Self Conception in Elderly

노인의 연령지각이 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향

Baek, Jin-Ho

  • Published : 2005.05.30


This study is for examining closely the relationship within life age, subjective age, ideal age perception and physical self conception as the standard of perceiving about oneself focused on the elderly. The elderly, object of this study, consist of 240 aged men and 59 aged women who take part in playing Gate ball at present. 121 people are the age of 60's and 178 are in their 70's. The average age of the ages men is 72.3 and that of the aged women is 67.4. Regression analysis was carried out in order to find out the elderly's physical self perception according to sex and age level. As a result, first physical perception factor prediction degree of the cause of changing life age is explained significantly that appearances and self respect are the factors for the men in their 60's, health for the men in their 70's and whole body for the women between 60's and 70's years of age. second, according to sex and age level physical perception predict of the cause of changing subjective age is reported that ability and health are the factors for the men in their 60's, the whole body, ability, and endurance for the men in their 70's, health and flexibility for the women in their 60's and health and body fat for the women in their 70's. Third, ideal age physical perception predict is explained only that health is factor for the women in the age of 70's.



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