Development of the e-Learning Contents for Environmental Education of Elementary School Students and Teachers to Keep the Clean and Blue Earth

맑고 푸른 지구를 위한 초등학교 환경교육 e-Learning 콘텐츠 개발

Seo, Woo-Seok;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Jyung, Chyul-Young;Na, Seung-Il;Kim, Jin-Mo;Lee, Jae-Ho

  • Published : 20051200


The purpose of the study was to develop an environmental e-Learning education contents for elementary school students and teachers. The blended environmental e-Learning contents were developed, through reviewing literatures, analyzing domestic and foreign's environmental programs and e-Learning contents, and experts conference. The developed contents for elementary school students were consisted of 12 sessions and divided intosix categories: (1) Introduction, (2) Air, (3) Water, (4) Animals and Plants, (5) Soil, and (6) Resources and Energy. The contents of each sessions were selected considering synthetically objectives, themes and components of environmental education. In addition, e-Learning contents for elementary school teachers were developed, in order to guide each session properly in their instructions. The contents were divided into two sections. The first section provides general principles helping teachers understand underlying theories of environmental education. And the second section provides the details guiding specific contents. Based on the results, some recommendations were suggested.



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