Definition of Onset/Retreat and Intensity of Changma during the Boreal Summer Monsoon Season

하계 몬순 기간중의 장마의 시작, 종료 및 세기의 정의

Ha, Kyung-Ja;Yun, Kyung-Sook;Jhun, Jong-Ghap;Park, Chung-Kyu

  • Published : 2005.12.30


To ameliorate understanding on the Korean rainy season (Changma) during the boreal summer, its onset and retreat dates are investigated with the use of ground based station data. Firstly the representative stations have been chosen by e-folding threshold method of temporal correlation coefficient from the long-term data records. Onset and retreat dates of Changma have been defined by annual variations of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, cloudiness and insolation, averaged for the 25-year period from 1980 to 2004 at 6 representative stations such as Seoul, Daejeon, Busan, Namwon, Haenam, and Sungsanpo. For days relative to onset date at 6 representative stations, the daily rainfall composite from 1973 to 2004 shows sharply an increased rainfall on onset time. Onset date at representative stations is taken to be 21 June for 6-station mean; and Retreat date is taken to be 26 July. The interannual variability of onset date is significantly larger than that of retreat date. Interannual variabilities of Changma intensities defined by normality of precipitation (I) and accumulated precipitation (II) for 6 stations are compared to the CRI (Changma Rain Index) by Ha et al. (2005). The Changma intensity II tends to be positively lag-correlated with snow cover (leading about 3 months) over Eurasia continent. Interannual variations of Changma onset date have been significantly linked with NINO 4 SST anomalies during April. The limited discussion on linkage mechanism between leading predictors and onset date or intensity of Changma is discussed in some extends.



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