Empirical Analysis of Unbalanced Population Distribution of Korea

인구분포로 본 우리나라 국토불균형

Kweon, Ihl;Ryu, Sang-Kyu

  • Published : 2005.04.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze and grasp the change of the unbalanced population distribution of Korea by a specific numerical index. In this study, Gini’s Coefficient is used to measure the unbalanced distribution of population. Gini’s Coefficients of population distribution are calculated on the basis of the five different spatial units. The calculated indexes are analyzed by regional standpoint and compared with the result of coefficient of variation analysis. The results are as follows. Though there are some differences caused by the different spatial units of measure, the values have gradually increased from 1960 to 2000. The the index value of capital region was already 0.6743 in 1960, and gradually increased, reaching the pick point of 0.8347 in 1990. There were some sudden changing trend in coefficient of variation analysis based on the same spatial units of Gini’s Coefficient. So, it is necessary be careful in setting up spatial units and analysing. To sum up, this study is focused on understanding the present state of the unbalanced population distribution of Korea. And after this study, our successive study on the cause of the unbalanced population distribution will be made.



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