Estimation of the Value of Railway Noise within Apartment Housing Prices

아파트가격에 내재된 철도소음 가치 추정

Oh, Kyu-Shik;Koo, Ja-Hoon;Yang, Hee-Bum

  • Published : 2005.06.30


As the income level has been increasing, more people have begun placing higher value on their living conditions. Consequently, individual petitions regarding noise problems consisted of 86 percent of the total 1,122 cases of civil appeals filed at the National Environmental Dispute Resolution Commission in 2004. There was also an increase in claims of damage from railway noise. Under these circumstances, this paper estimated the economic impact of railway noise in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. First, railway noise and apartment housing prices were surveyed. Then statistical analyses such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted. The results of those analyses are as follows. The value of the noise variable in the total selling price was found to decrease approximately 4.46 percent and the corresponding price per 3.3 decreased approximately 4.56 percent. Also, the economic impact of railway noise was approximated 13,000,000 won of the selling price and approximately 400,000 won for price per 3.3. It was determined that an increase of 1 Leq dB(A) noise affects the housing price by approximately 0.581 percent and 1 Lmax dB(A) noise affects the housing price by about 0.235 percent.



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