Alternative Solutions to Mitigate Conflicts on Private Land for Reasonable Management of National Parks in Korea

합리적 국립공원 관리를 위한 사유지 문제의 갈등해소 대안

Kim, Jin-Myoung;Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Jo, Se-Hwan

  • Published : 2005.10.31


This research is focused on searching for the solution of the problems associated with private land within the national parks in Korea. The problems are those of the most important factors that should be considered as tasks to conserve and manage the precious natural resources of the national parks. This study shows that the most desirable method to solve them is to determine whether related authorities should conserve or exclude the private land in national park on the basis of the results from analyzing the value and quality of natural resources of the area. According to analysis on the quality of natural resources, the government needs to purchase and conserve the private land that was appraised as high-valued conservable area, in addition, needs to exclude the private area that have little value to conserve.



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