An Analysis of Relationship between the Successes and Failures of Rural Village Development Programs and Residents' Participation

마을개발사업의 성과와 주민참여의 관계 분석

Song, Mi-Ryung;Seong, Joo-In

  • Published : 2005.12.17


The aim of this study is to delve into rural residents' partIcIpation in rural village development programs and to suggest a better model for participatory rural village development programs. For this, interview and questionnaire surveys of key actors and 134 villagers in 20 sample villages were carried out. It was found that, at each stage of village development programs, there were differences in the form and level of villagers' participation. At the early stage of initiation and planning, while only the limited number of villagers actively participated in planning and preparation, the rest played a relatively passive role, at most attending the meeting, and so on. However, at the implementation stage, the division of labor and roles emerged, and the forms and levels of participation were diversified. For example, some offered their knowledge and expertise, others their own labor. In economic, social, and environmental aspects, villagers' participation clearly showed expected successes up to a certain degree, but in many cases, conflicts among villagers were observed too. Statistical analysis clearly revealed the positive correlation between the level of participation and the performance of the projects, i.e., the correlation coefficient of 0.67. From this analysis, it became clear that the participatory model requires the existence of a mobilizer, outside support and interests, and an appropriate incentive and compensation mechanism in order to extend beneficial results and effects of a rural development program.



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