A study comparative on advertising effects of stadium ads and virtual ads

경기장광고와 가상광고의 광고효과 비교 연구

Yang, Girl;Kwak, Jeong-Hyeon;Jeon, Ik-Ki

  • Published : 2005.09.30


The purpose of the present study is to examine the effects of virtual advertising on TV viewers. For this purpose, the author researched and compared the effects on the stadium ads and the virtual ads. The results suggest the following First, regarding the analysis of exposure effects of the advertising between the stadium ads and the virtual ads, the virtual ads showed more effects than the stadium ads, by 5.77% in recall rate and 8.82% in recognition rate. This result would support and generalize the research by Kim Hyo-kyu (2000) that the effects of the virtual ads were more effective than the real advertising boards around the stadium and company logos on the players' uniform in regards of the viewers' recognition and recollection Furthermore, the virtual ads were inserting advertised images into the appropriate location such as empty space on the stadium without artificial appearance, eventually leading to exposure effects more efficiently than the stadium ads. Second, regarding the advertising attitudes between the stadium ads and the virtual ads, reliability and notice effects of the virtual ads in the cognitive advertising attitude were higher than those of the stadium ads. The results explained that the virtual ads could enhance the reliability of the brand, and that had more notice effects than the stadium ads. Regarding the emotional advertising attitude, the virtual ads showed more effects than the stadium ads in relation to empathy. This also explained that the technique of the virtual ads aroused more empathy in the viewers' emotional aspects than that of the stadium ads. The results of analyzing the synthetic advertising attitudes found no difference. Synthetically, although the virtual ads did not stimulate the viewers' desire, it proved that they provided information and facts, and that they were more effective than the stadium ads in attitude and emotional aspects. It was meaningful to establish the fact that the virtual ads were more effective than the stadium ads since the advertising attitudes would eventually lead to product attitudes.



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