Discriminating Variables between Vocational High School Students and Academic High School Students

실업계 고등학생과 일반계 고등학생을 판별하는 변인1

Na, Seung-Il;Ma, Sang-Jin

  • Published : 20051200


The purpose of the study was to identify variables discriminating vocational high school students from academic high school students in Korea. Data for the study were from the data of the 2004 Korean Education and Employment Panel conducted by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training. The panel data were collected from 2000 academic high school students, 2000 vocational high school students, and their classroom teachers on education and employment. The data were analyzed using the SPSS/PC+. The specific statistical technique used was discriminant analysis. An alpha level of .05 was established a priori for determining significant differences. Based on the results of this exploratory study, it was concluded that : (1) students who enrolled in academic high schools could be distinguished from those who enrolled in vocational high schools by a set discriminating variables except for gender, perception of school life, perception of school facilities, living with a guardian or not, and study-efficacy of the music, fine arts and physical ; (2) students who enrolled in academic high school could best be best described as educational aspiration, college entrance plan after graduation, study-interest in language arts, english and social studies; (3) students who enrolled in vocational high school could best be described as work experience and employment plan after graduation; (4) the discriminant function explained approximately 38% of the variance in the discriminant scores; and (5) the discriminant function correctly classified 79% of the cases.



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