Comparison of the Performance in Two Different Korean Versions of Mini-Mental State Examination: MMSE-KC and K-MMSE

두 가지 한글판 간이정신상태평가[Mini-Meatal State Examination]의 비교 : MMSE-KC와 K-MMSE

Jhoo, Jin-Hyeong;Kim, Ki-Woong;Lee, Dong-Young;Youn, Jong-Chul;Lee, Tae-Joo;Choo, Il-Han;Ko, Hye-Jung;Seo, Eun-Hyun;Woo, Jong-Inn

  • Published : 2005.01.30


Objectives: We compared the scores of the MMSE-KC (Korean version of MMSE in the Korean version of CERAD Assessment Packet) and K-MMSE (Korean MMSE), and analyzed the influences of age, gender, and educational level on the differences between the two. Methods: We administered the MMSE-KC and K-MMSE simultaneously along with geriatric depression scale (GDSK) to 733 community-dwelling elderly aged 50 or over in three districts of Suwon. The differences between the MMSE-KC scores and K-MMSE scores were examined by repeated measure ANOVA computing the MMSE for intra-individual factor, age, gender, and educational level as inter-individual factor, and GDS-K score as a covariate. Results: The scores ofMMSE-KC and K-MMSE were identical only in the 17.8% of the subjects and the difference between the MMSE-KC score and K-MMSE score were significantly influenced by the educational level of the subjects (F (3,173)=8.21, p<0.001). The MMSE-KC score was higher than the K-MMSE score in illiterate subjects, and lower than the K-MMSE score in literate or educated subjects. Although the main effect of the kind of MMSE was not significant in total MMSE scores (F(1,731)=0.91, p>0.1), it was highly significant in 'judgement and writing/reading' subscores (F (1,731=16.35, p<0.001) and its influences were significantly varied by the educational level of the subjects (F (1,731) =20.82, p<0.001). Conclusion: The MMSE-KC and K-MMSE which were standardized differently are not identical in scores as well as in content, and the difference between the two is greatly influenced by the educational level of the subject. When interpreting or comparing the MMSE scores of the two different versions of Korean MMSE, the comparability of the scores among them observed in this study should be considered.

MMSE-KC와 K-MMSE는 같은 영문 MMSE를 표준화하였지만 문항 구성뿐만 아니라 검사 성적 면에서 등가성에 한계를 보였다. 따라서 등가성에 대한 평가 없이는 현재 우리나라 임상 또는 연구 현장에서 혼용되고 있는 여러 종류의 한글판 MMSE 점수를 서로 비교하기 어려우며, MMSE의 정확한 활용을 위해서는 각 한글판 MMSE마다 나름의 정산규준이나 충화된 절단점 (multiple cutoff points)이 마련되어야 한다.



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