The Effect of Regularly Dance Sports Exercise for 12 weeks on Body Composition and Blood Lipids to middle aged Women

규칙적인 12주간 댄스스포츠 활동이 중년 여성들의 신체구성 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향

Shin, Seon-Ae;Park, Kyong-Hea

  • Published : 2005.05.30


The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of regularly dance sports exercise for 12 weeks on body composition and blood lipids to pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. Subject, fourteen elderly women from 39 to 57 years were subdivided into two groups: the exercise group(n=7), and non-exercise group(n=7). The exercise group was post-menopausal women had not taken any hormone replacement therapy but exercised with dance sports regularly for 12 weeks. The non-exercise group consisted of pre-menopausal women. Anthropometric measurement is to assess body weight, height. abdominal fat ratio and body fat percent based upon Bio-Impedence Body Composition Analysis. Blood samples of 10ml were drawn from antecubital veins. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol , Apo a, Apo b, Lipo and Insulin hormone were extracted from serum. The supervised dance sports program was conducted 3 days a week for 12 weeks. Independence t-test, pair t-test analysis methods were used for this task, and raw data were transformed for the normal distribution. Conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. There is a significant difference on TG between exercise group of post-menopausal women and non-exercise group of pre-menopausal women. 2 There is a significant difference on body fat percentage between exercise group of postmenopausal women and non-exercise group of pre-menopausal women. 3. There is no significant difference on blood serum in exercise group before their dance sports program and after. 4. There are significant difference on all body- composition variables of the exercise group before dance sports program and after. In conclusion, the regular dance sports for 12 weeks possibly helps the middle-aged menopausal women improve phsiologically and physically. Particularly, the reduction of body-fat in blood and some positive hormonal changes are more contingent on their longer period of dance sports activities.



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