A Study on Technology Transfer Performances and Its Determinants of Technology Licensing Organization

기술이전성과와 결정요인에 관한 연구 -기술이전센터를 중심으로-

Lee, Seong-Keun;Ahn, Sung-Jo;Lee, Kwan-Ryul

  • Published : 2005.09.17


In knowledge-based society, national competitiveness demands on the each nation I s technological level and the accumulation of knowledge. Furthermore, national strength will be influenced by not only how to posses the high level of science and technology but how to apply the developed technologies efficiently for various national industries. Therefore, developed countries, such as, the United States, Japan and etc, have already recognized the importance of technology transfer and tried to utilize it for practical activities. In Korea, however, we started the technology transfer only in the late 1990s. In other words, systemic study in this field is very insufficient because of its short history. In this paper, We want to analyze determinants related to evaluation of TLO(Technology Licensing Organization) and technology transfer performance. As a result of determinants analysis in performance factor and determinants analysis, the determinants demand factors of technology transfer, support are less influenced. And I get to know policy suggestion for practical technology transfer.



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