The Effect of Sports Star Image on the Sports Involvement of University Students

스포츠 스타 이미지가 대학생의 스포츠 참여에 미치는 영향

Kim, Jee-hyun;Kim, In-hyung;Lee, Keun-mo

  • Published : 2005.07.30


The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of sports star image on the sports involvement of university students. Using a purposeful sampling method, the group of the university students' were selected from B city. All of the subjects had sport star preference. Collected data were analyzed to test the hypotheses with statistical methods such as factor analysis, Cronbach's $\alpha$ multiple regression analysis with SPSS 11.0 program An overall process of surveys and evaluations leads to the following conclusions. First, according to gender, the results that sports star image recognition was affected at sports direct involvement are as follows; Sports star image being affected at university male student's sports direct involvement was by order of performance image, moral image. And in sports star direct involvement of university female student, sports star image was not significantly affected. Second, according to gender, the results that sports star image recognition was affected at sports indirect involvement are as follows; Sports star image being affected at university male student's sports indirect involvement was by order of moral image, sports performance image. And sports star image being affected at university female student's sports indirect involvement was by order of progressive image.



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