The Effects of Stress Management Interventions on Trait Anxiety and Coping Skill of Female Athletes in Middle School

스트레스 관리훈련이 여중 선수의 특성불안과 대처전략에 미치는 영향

Shin, Jung-Taek;Kim, Ji-Soo

  • Published : 2005.07.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of stress management interventions for female athletes of middle school on competitive trait anxiety, coping strategies. Subjects consisted of twenty eight female athletes of middle school. Competitive trait anxiety inventory and coping strategies inventory were administered prior to the start of stress management interventions, at post treatment, and at 1 month follow-up. Stress management interventions group significantly decreased competitive trait anxiety from pre-test treatment to follow-up. Stress management interventions group increased active coping strategies at post treatment but reduced at follow-up. Stress management training group reduced passive coping strategies from pre-test treatment to follow-up. Limitations of this study and future implications were discussed.



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