A Study on the Development of the Planning Indicator of the Korean Style Eco-city

한국형 생태도시 계획지표 개발에 관한 연구

Lee, Jae-Joon

  • Published : 2005.08.31


An Eco-city can be defined as "an environmentally friendly city where human and nature co-exist maintaining the nature of ecosystem that contains diversity, independancy, stability, and circulation in the urban activity and urban structure with the organic view of the city". From that aspect, this study is to suggest the planning indicator of the Korean style eco-city. And this study was carried out through analysis of written records and consciousness survey. The planning indicators of the Korean style eco-city have been extracted through three phases. In the first stage, we divided the general planning indicators of eco-city into largely 6 fields and then sub-divided into 19 big categories, 48 middle categories and then again 121 detailed indicators. In the second stage, we introduced total 63 planning indicators each which can be applied to Korean style eco-city through case study and survey with experts. In the third stage, we introduced total 30 planning indicators each which can be applied to Korean style eco-city through a brainstorming of the research advisory committee and research team. As a top 6 planning principles, ① environmentally friendly way in land use, transportation, and tele-communication networks ② affluent green environment and ecosystem that enables co-existance of humand and nature ③ proper utilization of water and wind to maintain clean environment ④ energy recycling system for the environmental city ⑤ wastes control ⑥ landscaping and cultural facilities to secure city amenity were selected for the eco-city development.



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