An Empirical Evaluation on the Sense of Community in the Public Rental Housing in the Redevelopment Complex According to the Site Layout Characteristic

주택재개발아파트의 단지배치특성에 따른 임대주택거주자의 커뮤니티의식 분석

Kim, Kwang-Bok;Nam, Jin

  • Published : 2005.12.31


The Redeveloped apartment complex has segregated the sold apartments and leased apartments. Depending on the result of the segregation, it could possibly weaken the sense of community. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine and evaluate the sense of community in the leased apartments according to the site layout characteristic. For the purposes of the research, the redeveloped apartment complexes were divided into 'segregated complex' and 'mixture complex' and some representatives were chosen by controlling variables associated with sense of community. The results are as follows. First, the 'mixture complex' has a psychological boundary from the sold apartments though not having any visual boundary. Second, the emotional familiarity is low and this seems to be because of negative results following the phenomena that the elderly or the disabled live alone. Third, the segregation of the site layout has less influence on the formation of sense of community, whereas the community facilities highly influence the formation of sense of community.



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