Establishing the Concepts for Urban Green Space Planning and Investigating the Propriety of the Established Concepts

도시 녹지계획 목표 설정 및 타당성 검토 - 대구광역시를 중심으로 -

Ryu, Yeun-Soo;Ra, Jung-Hwa

  • Published : 2005.06.30


The purpose of this study is to establish concepts for the urban planning which should be considered in operating the urban green space planning and then to investigate the propriety of the established concepts. By means of field survey in thirty three sample areas which were divided to the twelve urban green space types, forty-four concepts of ecological part and thirty-one concepts of useful part were established. Then through the literature review and professional questionnaire analysis by using SPSS, preferential planning concepts of the ten items in the ecological part and eight items in the useful part were selected. And additionally the priority order and ordinal correlation of preferential planning concepts were established in the twelve urban green space types. This study can be used as important and basic data for carrying out the urban green space planning.



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