Characteristics on the two Automatic $PM_{10}$Analyzers of the Different Measuring Method and Analysis of the Comparing Observation Data of the Analyzers

관측방법이 다른 두 종류의 $PM_{10}$자동관측기 특성 및 비교 관측자료 분석

Cha, Joo-Wan;Choi, Byoug-Cheol;Choi, Jae-Cheon;Chung, Sang-Boo

  • Published : 20050200


The meteorological conditions are very important when we observe aerosol mass concentration. Especially, a relative humidity mostly affects the aerosol mass measurement. The aim of study is to understand the characteristics on automatic $PM_{10}$ analyzers for monitoring Asian dust and to analyze the $PM_{10}$ mass concentration with meteorological conditions such as relative humidity and wind speed. Under the meteorological condition, the new $PM_{10}$ analyzer of the GRIMM company includes the removing humidity system. In this study, we compare the Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer that is usually used for monitoring Asian dust in Korea with that of the GRIMM company. The both concentrations of the $PM_{10}$ analyzers are increased as the relative humidity is high. The maritime air mass causes to increase $PM_{10}$ mass concentration because the air mass has a lot of humidity. In that case, the accuracy of observing $PM_{10}$ mass concentration depends on the dehumidifying system in the each $PM_{10}$ analyzer. The Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer is relatively more affected by relative humidity than the GRIMM $PM_{10}$ analyzer. The Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer is a filter based observing instrument and the GRIMM $PM_{10}$ analyzer is an optical observing instrument. The $PM_{10}$ concentration in the ambient is affected by the effective establishment of dehumidifying system in each $PM_{10}$ analyzer. The GRIMM $PM_{10}$ analyzer has more good dehumidifying system than that of the Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer. To understand the relative humidity effect in the each $PM_{10}$ analyzer, Nephelometer that measure the aerosol scattering coefficients under controlling relative humidity is compared with the $PM_{10}$ analyzers. The correlation of aerosol scattering coefficient at 500 nm by Nephelometer and the $PM_{10}$ mass concentration by the $PM_{10}$ analyzers is 0.8 at the GRIMM $PM_{10}$ mass concentration and 0.7 at the Anderson $PM_{10}$ mass concentration. In the comparison of the GRIMM $PM_{10}$ analyzer with the Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer, the GRIMM $PM_{10}$ analyzer is less affected by relative humidity than Anderson $PM_{10}$ analyzer. Therefore, more exact observation of dust mass concentration in the ambient air depends on the improvement of dehumidifying system in the $PM_{10}$ mass concentration measurements.



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