Analysis of the Risk Factors Related to Progression of Chronic Prostatitis

만성전립선염의 경과에 영향을 미치는 위험요인 분석

Han, Min-Cheol;Kim, Jae-Sik;Shim, Bong-Suk

  • Published : 20051000


Purpose: Chronic prostatitis displays various pathophysiologies due to various causes, and is a life time affliction, but the diagnosis and treatment are still unclear. Therefore, it is important to find if some elements influence the incidence and progress of the disease; attempts were made to recognize the risk factors for chronic prostatitis. Materials and Methods: 184 chronic prostatitis patients were selected, and divided, after treatment, into the improvement (IG; n=147) and non-improvement groups (NIG; n=37). 40 healthy men were chosen as the control group (CG) for a comparative analysis. Subjects were investigated for their professional stati and form of work, driving, motorcycle or bicycle utilization, drinking, smoking, sex and their style of diet. Results: The ratio of sedentary desk workers in the NIG (73.0%) was higher than in the other groups. The ratio of those that drove for more than 1 hour was much high in the NIG by 54.1%. The ratio of the people who ejaculated more than once a week, either through sexual intercourse or masturbation, was lower in the NIG by 56.5%, but that of people who ejaculated every day was higher in the NIG (13.5%). People drinking more than once a week was greater in the NIG (67.6%), and those who drank more than 1 bottle of Korean wine, Soju, were showed an expressively higher ratio in the NIG (72.0%). In relation to dietary behavior, the NIG showed a high ratio (73.0%) for a preference for salty food only. Conclusions: Factors that may influence the prognosis of chronic prostatitis are thought to be the form of profession, number ejaculations, frequency and amount of drinking, an a habit of eating salty food. Therefore, these factors should be considered together when looking for a cure for chronic prostatitis.



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