The Prediction of Shelf-Life of Ssamjang

쌈장의 품질수명 예측

Kim, Yong-Kuk;Kim, Seong-Ju;Chang, Kyu-Seob

  • Published : 20050500


In order to improve the quality of Ssamjang, the Ssamjang prepared by industrial process was predicted its shelf-life during storage. Surface color preference, total preference and commercial values of Ssamjang were significant difference with storage period. The desires for buying values and for claim of Ssamjang had high correlation with surface color preference. The correlation coefficients of those were 0.924 and 0.935, respectively,. Total color difference($\Delta{E}$) was selected for the quality index of Ssamjang because it had the highest correlation with sensory properties. Regression equations were obtained from color change of Ssamjang with storage period and used to predict shelf-life of Ssamjang. According to the longest predicted shelf-life was 649 days and the shortest predicted shelf-life was 24 days, respectively,. Determination coefficient of multiple regression analysis for Ssamjang was 0.9955 and it was highly significant (p<0.0001). Multiple regression analysis of the studies was highly significant by secondary function of storage temperature ($X_{5}$)' Regression equation was derived from Gochujang mash aging period($X_{1}$) and Doenjang aging period($X_{2}$) having interaction effect with storage temperature. Y= 748.411 + 25.6556xX1 - 69.6115xX5 + 0.636105xX2xX2 + 1.19793xX5xX5



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