Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Correction Skill on Dynamically Downscaled Summer Rainfall over South Korea

역학적으로 규모축소된 남한의 여름철 강수에 대한 인공신경망 보정 능력 평가

Cha, Yu-Mi;Ahn, Joong-Bae

  • Published : 2005.12.30


In this study, 10-day mean July precipitation anomalies for the period 1990-2001 downscaled dynamically from AGCM have been corrected using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and nonlinear Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods, and the results are analyzed for the determination of the optimal Model Output Statistics (MOS) method applicable to the regional precipitation forecasting over South Korea. The dynamically downscaled precipitation anomalies are cross-validated respectively, by MLR and ANN methods. Overall, the corrected results are better than the uncorrected one compared with the observation, and the ANN-corrected results are found to be more realistic than those of the MLR-corrected. In particular, the cross-validated time series analysis shows that the ANN method has better capability in reproducing heavy rainfall. Heidke Skill Score based on a trisectional forecast for the cross-validated precipitation shows that ANN-corrected scores are closer to 1 over the whole domain, which implies that the ANN method has high skill in correcting precipitation forecast. Brier Skill Score based on the occurrence and non-occurrence of precipitation event also indicates that ANN method has an outstanding predictability of precipitation. The fact that the ANN-corrected results are more similar to the observation than those of the MLR-corrected implies that the non-linear function applied to ANN algorism might be more efficient and suitable in capturing non-linear characters of precipitation than a linear function. Thus it is concluded that precipitation predictability can be improved dramatically using nonlinear MOS such as ANN.



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