The Long-term Effect of a Structured Diabetes Education Program for Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients -a 4-Year Follow-up

체계적인 당뇨병 교육이 당화혈색소가 높은 제2형 당뇨병환자에게 미치는 장기 효과 : 4년간 추적조사 연구

Song, Min-Sun;Song, Ki-Ho;Ko, Seung-Hyun;Ahn, Yu-Bai;Kim, Joon-Sung;Shin, Jin-Hee;Cho, Yang-Kyung;Yoon, Kun-Ho;Cha, Bong-Youn;Son, Ho-Young;Lee, Dong-Han

  • Published : 20050300




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