The Residents' Perception about Neighborhood Boundaries on the Town around a Metropolitan City

대도시 주변 소도읍의 근린범위 인식에 관한 연구

Choi, Yeol;Yoo, Sook-Hyang

  • Published : 2005.12.31


The aim of this study is to explore the residents' perception on neighborhood boundaries empirically. In particularly, this research focuses on the town around a metropolitan city. The major findings employing multinomial logit model are as follows; In the socio-demographic characteristics, the older age, the higher level of education, the larger families, the higher income, the longer period in the town and single family detached home tend to perceive even wider neighborhood boundaries. And in variables to denote social characteristics, the households not well knowing neighbors and leaving children in neighbors’ care have perceived narrower neighborhood boundaries. It means that general households perceive neighborhood boundary just as geographical distance without relation to social solidarity. Up to now, the conception and importance of neighborhood are considerably ignored in the residential planning site. Also it might be mixing of single and multi-family home within current residential sites. In future residential site plan, the software sides as well as physical dimension will be fully considered in promoting the importance and consolidation of neighborhood together.



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