A Study on the Application of HTS Cable in Korean Power System

국내 실계통에서의 초전도케이블 적용가능성 검토

  • 이승렬 (한국전기연구원국 전력연구단) ;
  • 김종율 (한국전기연구원국 전력연구단) ;
  • 윤재영 (한국전기연구원국 전력연구단)
  • Published : 2005.01.01


As power system is developed, an expansion of power equipments is very necessary to the stability of power system and the problem of locating the facilities on downtown is more serious. At this time introduction of superconducting devices are very good alternative to solve the problem. This study describes cases possible to apply HTS cable to Korean power system and analyzes the power system with HTS cable. First of all, we determine the case that HTS cable can be applied to KEPCO systems and analyze the static state of power system. Then we propose a solution of the problem resulting from the analysis.



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