A Comparison between Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women and Normal Women of Their Nutrient Intakes and the Evaluation of Diet Quality

폐경 후 골다공증 여성과 정상 여성의 영양소 섭취상태와 식사의 질 평가에 관한 비교 연구

  • Bae Yun-Jung (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Sung Chung-Ja (Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 배윤정 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 승정자 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrient intake and diet quality of postmenopausal osteoporotic women to those of control subjects, and to investigate the relationship among diet quality and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. In this study, we classified the subjects into the postmenopausal osteoporotic women (n =38) and control (n = 43) according to their lumbar spine bone mineral density and age. Dietary intakes, anthropometric measurements and dietary quality indices were measured and evaluated. The average age of osteoporotic and control group were 60.4 yrs and 58.3 yrs, respectively and there was no significant difference. Body weight, body mass index of osteoporotic group were significantly lower than those of control group. The average energy intake of osteoporotic and control group were 1243.3 kcal and 1475.8 kcal, respectively and there was a significant difference. The osteoporotic group consumed significantly lower quantities of protein, plant protein, vitamin A, vitamin $B_1,\;vitamin\;B_2$, folate, vitamin C, calcium, animal calcium, plant calcium, iron and zinc compared to the control group. The osteoporotic group consumed significantly lower of food, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits intakes compared to the control group. In the diet quality, protein, vitamin A, vitamin $B_1,\;vitamin\;B_2$, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, Zinc nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) of osteoporotic group were significantly lower than that of control group. Mean adequacy ratio (MAR) of osteoporotic and control group were 0.63 and 0.78, respectively and there was significant difference. To evaluate nutrient density, Index of nutritional quality (INQ) was calculated by dividing nutrient content per 1,000 kcal of diet with RDA per 1,000 kcal. The average dietary variety score (DVS) of osteoporotic and control group were 22.4 and 33.2, respectively and there was significant difference. DVSs of pulses (p<0.01), seeds (p<0.01) and vegetables (p<0.05) in osteoporotic group were significantly lower than those of the control. In conclusion, postmenopausal osteoporotic women had lower protein, vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron zinc intake quality and vegetables, mushrooms, fruits DVSs than those of the control. Therefore, to promote skeletal health enough energy and food should be consumed, and the maintenance of vitamin and mineral balance by increasing of vitamin A, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron of intakes are very important.



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