A Study on Purchasing Behaviors of Budget-priced Cosmetic

초저가 화장품의 구매행동에 관한 연구

  • Hyun, Jung-Hee (Dept. of Clothing & Textile Design, Sangju National University) ;
  • Choo, Tae-Gue (Dept. of Clothing & Textile Design, Sangju National University)
  • 현정희 (상주대학교 의상디자인학과) ;
  • 추태귀 (상주대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • Received : 2005.06.14
  • Published : 2005.12.31


The purpose of this study was to examine the consumers' purchasing behaviors of budget-priced cosmetics. Questionnaires used for this study were composed of 44 questions including 9 questions about budget-priced cosmetic purchasing behavior, 15 questions about satisfaction, 15 questions about repeat purchasing intention, 1 question about the reason of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and four questions about demographic variables. Questionnaires were administrated to 317 people who were Daegu & Kyungpook region residents and had shopping experience on budget-priced cosmetics during 2 weeks from March 2005. Respondents' age was limited from 20 to 40. Data were analyzed by using correlation, crosstabulation analysis, and frequency analysis utilizing SPSS/WIN. The results were as follows. Consumers went to budget-priced cosmetics' shops 'for low price', 'for trial' and 'for curiosity'. The best purchased products among the budget-priced cosmetics were basic cosmetics, and the second purchased products were make-up cosmetics. 41.4% of the whole respondents answered that they spent 5,000~10,000won per one time visit, and 65% of those answered they visited once or twice per a year and once per two or three months. In this study a level of satisfaction for the entire products, consumers neither unsatisfied nor fully satisfied. For the question of the intention to repurchase for the budget-priced cosmetics, the respondents answered that they will not positively purchase again. A level of satisfaction and the intention to repurchase had positive correlations. The reason which consumers satisfied with the products was chiefly related to price and that which consumers unsatisfied the products was related to products themselves.



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