Assessment of Intake of Nutrient and Dietary Fiber among Children at the 6th Grade of Elementary School in Gimhae

김해지역 초등학교 6학년생들의 영양소와 식이섬유 섭취상태평가

  • Jung, Suk-Hee (School of Food and life Science, Institute of Food Science, Biohealth Product Research Center, Inje University) ;
  • Kim, Jung-In (School of Food and life Science, Institute of Food Science, Biohealth Product Research Center, Inje University) ;
  • Kim, Sang-Ae (Department of Food and Nutrition, Silla University)
  • 정숙희 (인제대학교 식품생명과학부 식품과학연구소 바이오헬스소재 센터) ;
  • 김정인 (인제대학교 식품생명과학부 식품과학연구소 바이오헬스소재 센터) ;
  • 김상애 (신라대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2005.02.01


The aim of this study was to assess dietary fiber intake and the relationship between dietary fiber intake and nutrient intakes of elementary school students. Food consumption of 200 elementary school students (100 boys, 100 girls) in the 6th grade in Gimhae was assessed by 2-day estimated food records. Nutrient intakes were calculated using CAN-pro and total dietary fiber (TDF) intake using the TDF tables of the common Korean foods. The mean height and weight of the boys were 147.7 cm and 42.1 kg. The mean height and weight of the girls were 149.1 cm and 41.1 kg. The mean body mass index (BMI) of the boys (19.3 $kg/m^2$) was significantly higher than that of the girls (18.4 $kg/m^2$, p < 0.05). Average daily intake of energy of the boys and girls was 1733 and 1778 kcal, respectively. Intakes of protein, P, and niacin of the boys and girls exceeded $110\%$ of current RDA. Intakes of Fe, vitamin $B_1$ and vitamin $B_2$ of the boys were similar to RDA. Intake of vitamin $B_1$ exceeded $110\%$ of current RDA and intakes of Fe and vitamin A were similar to RDA among the girls. Ca intake of the boys and girls was $74.2\%$ and $60.1\%$ of RDA, respectively. Vitamin C intake of the boys and girls were $63.6\%$ and $71.7\%$ of RDA, respectively. Intakes of fat, Ca, P, and vitamin $B_2$ of the boys were significantly higher than the girls. Intakes of Fe and vitamin A of the boys were significantly lower than the girls. Average daily intakes of TDF of the boys and girls were 11.2 g and 11.1 g, respectively. TDF intake of the children at the 6th grade of elementary school was about $70\%$ of 'age (yr) + 5 g', a recommended level for American children. Major food groups to supply dietary fiber were vegetables, grains, and seasonings among the boys and girls. Major sources of dietary fiber were Kimchi, rice, and red pepper powder which supplied $17.85\%$. $15.71\%$, and $5.18\%$ of TDF among the boys and $18.02\%$, $16.22\%$, and $6.58\%$ among the girls. Daily fiber intake showed significant positive correlations with intakes of grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and seasonings among the boys and girls. Daily fiber intake showed significant positive correlations with intakes of energy, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, Ca, P, vitamin A, vitamin $B_1$ vitamin $B_2$, niacin, and vitamin C among both the boys and girls. From the results of this study we could conclude that it is recommended to increase dietary fiber intake in elementary school students at upper level.



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