Rheological Properties of Dough and Quality Characteristics of Bread Added with Pumpkin Powder

단호박 분말을 첨가한 반죽의 물성 및 빵의 품질특성

  • Bae, Jong-Ho (Dept. of Confectionery Decoration, Daegu Mirae College) ;
  • Woo, Hi-Seob (School of Food Science, Dongju College) ;
  • Jung, In-Chang (Dept. of Tourism and Hotel Culinary Arts, Sorabol College)
  • 배종호 (대구미래대학 제과데코레이션과) ;
  • 우희섭 (동주대학 식품과학계열) ;
  • 정인창 (서라벌대학 관광호텔조리과)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


This study aims to investigate the quality characteristics of breads with the addition of sweet pumpkin powder. Farinogram showed that the absorption rate of the dough decreased, the development time and stability became shortened, and the degree of attenuation tended to be grown along with increasing the amount of pumpkin powder. From the amylogram, it was found that the gelatinization starting temperature and the maximum viscosity of pumpkin powder added dough seemed to be decreased as the amount of pumpkin powder was increased. Extensogram showed that there was a decrease in the degree of extension of the dough added with increasing the amount of pumpkin powder, while an increase in the degree of resistance and resistance/extensibility. The lightness (L value) and redness (a value) of bread was found to be decreased with increasing the amount of pumpkin powder, while the yellowness (b value) increased. In terms of the dough texture, for which the hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess of the dough were measured, there were no significant differences between groups, while the dough added with 8.0% pumpkin powder showed a significant decrease in the elasticity. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the highest score of color (p<0.05) and taste (p<0.05) were obtained from the bread added with 6.0% and 8.0% pumpkin powder, while the highest score of texture in control and 3.0% pumpkin bread. In addition, the highest score of flavor (p<0.05) and overall acceptance (p<0.05) were observed in bread added with 6.0% pumpkin powder. Upon the results of this study, it was assumed that the development of food products using pumpkin are prospective in response to health-oriented consumers.



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