A Study on the Space Organizational and Classification of Health Facilities for the Elderly in Japan

일본 노인보건시설의 공간구성과 유형화에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this study was analyze the space organizational characteristics of heath facilities for the elderly in Japan, in order to refer them in establishing the planning direction in Korea. Therefore the 79 architectural drawings, which was gathered through mailed self-reported questionnaires in Japan and standard of heath facilities for the elderly have been analysed for this study. The results of the study were following: The spatial composition was categorized into living space, public use space, nursing, medical treatment, management, provision, and home assistance, and daycare. Moreover, coupling method of respective space was diversity according to inmate satisfaction measurement and form of service. In order to do that, this study has classified type of health facilities into 6 types on the basis of the space of position and space organization characteristics. Therefore study shows the functional relationships of spaces, the proportions of departmental areas in each type.



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