State and Perception of Five-day School Week System, Parenting Role-sharing and Parenting Stress

주 5일 수업제에 대한 부모의 인식과 실태, 양육분담 및 양육스트레스

  • 오경숙 (고은별스토리랜드어린이집) ;
  • 한유미 (호서대학교 인간개발학부 아동학)
  • Published : 2006.11.30


This study aimed to identify parents' experiences of child-rearing on Saturday with no class as well as their perceptions and demands on the Five-day School Week system. The study participants were 640 parents with first to second grade children. The major results were as follows: First, parents were generally satisfied with the Five-day School Week System. Second, the Five-day School Week System increased fathers' role-sharing on the Saturday with no class. It was also related with some of the demographic variables and the Five-Week Workweek System of the father and the mother. Third, both the fathers and mothers had more parenting stress on Saturdays with no class than on Saturdays with classes. Their parenting stress on Saturdays with no class was related with some demographic variables and work flexibility.



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