A Study on Self-Contained Level of Seoul Metropolitan Area Cities- In case of commuting distribution patterns -

수도권 도시의 자족도에 관한 연구- 수도권 신도시 소재 도시를 중심으로 -

An, Kook-Hyun;Lee, Myoung-Hun

  • Published : 20060000


The purpose of this study is to show the properness which can make one independent city area combined neighborhood cities. The New Town will be a center of it's area not a bed town using the interaction analysis with neighborhood cities.The interaction between The New Town of Seoul Metropolitan Area and The Urban Area were analysed using the commute-traffic data in 1996, 2002. And, the interrelation were analysed after considered The second and third employee's increasing rate of each cities. Cities in Seoul Metropolitan were showed higher interaction within 10~30km's area. The New Town of Seoul Metropolitan in early 1990's was decreasing traffic flow to seoul, still showed high reliance. The New Town will be able to dispersion of population and as developing areas capacity far away 50~60km from Seoul.



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