The Festival Differential Strategy of Local Government:A Reciprocity among Variables of the Type of Festival

지방정부의 지역축제 차별화 전략: 축제유형별 변수간 상호성을 중심으로

Jegal, Don;Lee, Gon-Su;Song, Geon-Seop

  • Published : 20060000


The Purpose of this study is to formulate the differential strategy of local government for a successful regional festival. Under a premise that the subdivided market strategy by traits of the type of festival is significant, the study empirically tested the reciprocal relations among key variables including participation motive, satisfaction, performance, action intention, and so forth by the type of festival. Especially, the study can analyze six regional festivals using cross-sectional analysis to resolve the limitations of on case analysis and to enhance the generalizability of research findings. The findings show that it is necessary for local government to identify key motives to visit regional festivals and to differentiate the planning of festival because a motive to visit is various by the type of festival.



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