Genetic Variations of the Golden Orb-web Spider Nephila clavata(Araneae: Tetragnathidae) in Korea, using AFLP Markers

Jeong, Jong-U;Jeong, Jong-U;Kim, Ju-Pil;Kim, Won

  • Published : 20060000


In this study, we assessed genetic variations in eight Korean populations and one Japanese population of the golden orb-web spider, Nephila clavata, using an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker. Upon the analysis of AFLPs amplified by the ECO-AG and ging from 40703 bp. The Jeonju population of Korea evidenced the closest genetic relationship with the Japanese population. In accordance with a principal component analysis (PCA) in which all of the individuals were asigned to one of thre groups, the majority of the Korean genotypes were assigned to GROUP 1, whereas the majority of the Japanese genotGROUP 2; this group also included nine individuals from the Korean population. The results of AMOVA (analysis of molecular variance) showed that genetic diversity was more pronounced within each population than among the populations. These results indicate that no obvious genetic-geographic association exists among Korean and Japanese N. clavata ne flow via ballooning. Also, the divergence of genetic groups may have been afected by historical proceses, including geographical isolation.



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