A survey on recognition about water fluoridation of the primary school teachers in Gimhae

김해시 초등학교 교사의 수돗물불소농도조정사업에 관한 인지도 조사연구

Moon, Seon-Jeong;Kim, Dong-Yeol;Kim, Dong-Kie

  • Published : 20060900


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to take information to increase support on water fluoridation program by survey to primary school teachers in Gimhae. Methods: The survey was done by self-adminstration method to primary school teachers 438 at water fluoridated area and 355 at non-fluoridated area in Gimhae, and collected 793 questionnaires were analyzed. Results: Purified tap water for drinking was 58.7% at fluoridated area and 60.6% at non-fluoridated area. The recognition rate of program performing was 62.1% at fluoridated area and 34.6% at nonfluoridated area. In recognition paths of program performing, mass media was 43.4% at fluoridated area, and health teachers and related articles were 39.8% at non-fluoridated area. In recognition rate of the each concepts, prevention of dental caries was 77.9% at fluoridated area and 72.4% at nonfluoridated area. The recognition rate of safety was 68.0% at fluoridated area and 63.6% at nonfluoridated area, performing-expansion agreement rate were 77.2% and 65.9% respectively. In recognition rate of performing-decision method, professional decision method was 48.6% at fluoridated area and 49.3% at non-fluoridated area. Conclusions: Based on these findings governmental authorities are recommended that continuously education and public relations should be done on the purpose of expansion and development of the water fluoridation program, so that they make an effort to convert recognition of this program into positive side.



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