The Characteristics and Behavior on Location of Commercial Facilities Within Single-detached Residential Unit

단독주택지내 상업 업종 특성 및 입지 형태 분석

;Lee, Baek-Ho

  • Published : 20060000


The aim of this research is to analyze the characteristics and behavior on commercial facilities within single-detached residential unit in Chang-won City. The multinomial logit model is employed as the empirical methodology. For this, we established the data on land use, width of road, azimuth, and so on into GIS data system and computed a distance to single-detached residential unit from the center of commercial areas, industrial areas, and facilities through GIS network analysis. The major findings are as follows: The retail facilities are more likely to locate as having more nearness to general commercial area, quasi-residential area, industrial area, educational facility. And the food and recreation service is more likely to locate as having more nearness to central commercial area, distributional commercial area, quasi-residential area, and industrial area. It also shows that the neighborhood convenience service's location is highly dependent on the nearness to educational facilities. Finally, the location type to denote business, manufacture, construction, and so on is more associated with the nearness to general commercial area, quasi-residential area. We concluded from this research that the location form of the business types within single-detached residential unit is considerably different in accordance with its adjacent zoning and major facilities. These results will be helpful to policy makes and planners when establishing and designing future single-detached residential unit, or similar site.



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