Impacts of Firms' Relocation to the Kangnam Station Area on Residential Relocation and Commuting Behavior of the Employees

고용입지변화에 따른 주거입지 및 통근통행의 변화에 관한 연구 -강남역세권을 중심으로-

Seong, Hyeon-Gon;Gwon, Yeong-Jong

  • Published : 20060000


This research is to investigate the expected impact of residential relocation, caused by firms' relocation, on commuting behavior. Transit-Oriented Development(TOD) assumes that subway accessibility increase the use of non-automobile travel mode, while decreasing automobile dependence, because of relationship between residence and employment location. In this sense, the research specifically investigates the impact of residential relocation, resulting from firms' relocation to the Kangnam subway station area, on commuting behavior. It also estimates that the impact of subway accessibility is able to enhance increasing the sustainability of commuting behavior, in terms of the change to more sustainable travel modes such as subway or bus. For these purposes, the research surveyed the previous and current locations of firms and housing for the employees whose firms relocated to the Kangnam station area during the recent years. The research identified that residential movement after the firm relocation had influenced decreasing average commuting time of the employees. Futhermore, the relocation of firms to the subway station area attracted employees to take subway rather than solo-driving. The result of a ordered logit model estimating the change of commuting mode choice, eg. from car to subway or to bus, shows that it has a significant impact on the shift to better sustainable commuting mode along with residential relocation.



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