Comparison of the Efficacy of Transperineal Intraprostatic Injection and Oral Administration of Fluoroquinolone in Men with Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis-Seminal Vesiculitis

만성 세균성전립선염-정낭염 환자에서 Fluoroquinolone 제제의 경구 및 국소주사요법의 효과

Kim, Yong-Jin;Ryu, Ji-Kan;Lee, Hun-Jae;Choi, Won-Sik;Suh, Jun-Kyu

  • Published : 20061100


Purpose: Although oral antibiotic therapy remains the most common treatment modality for chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP), it is known to have problems, such as potential adverse effects and the development of bacterial resistance. We compared the effects of oral and local injection therapies, with fluoroquinolones, in patients diagnosed as having chronic bacterial prostatitis/seminal vesiculitis, from Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging. Materials and Methods: The study randomly included 79 patients with symptom of prostatitis, who also showed hot uptake in the prostate or seminal vesicle on Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging. A total of 53 patients received oral antibiotics for 3 months. In 26 patients, a local injection of ciprofloxacin into the prostate and/or seminal vesicle was performed via the transperineal route, with transrectal ultrasonography guidance. Four- glass tests and Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging were performed, and the patients were asked to complete National institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index(NIH-CPSI) questionnaires at the baseline and 3 months after the initiation of therapy. Results: The total score or subscores from the NIH-CPSI and bacteriological study after treatment was significantly decreased in both groups compared to that before treatment. The complete cure rate, based on the Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging findings, was significantly higher in the local injection(23.1%) than the oral therapy group(16.9%, p <0.024). In the local injection group, 15 men(57.7%) showed transient hematuria and/or bloody ejaculation, but without any serious side effects. Conclusions: A transperineal lesional injection of fluoroquinolone will be a valuable therapeutic alternative in men with chronic bacterial prostatitis/ seminal vesiculitis; although a long term outcome study will be required.



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