A Study on the Effects of Land Use on Travel Pattern in the Rail Station Areas of a Dense City: A Case of Seoul

고밀도시에서의 토지이용이 통행패턴에 미치는 영향: 서울시 역세권을 중심으로

;No, Jeong-Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Hyeon;Park, Ji-Hyeong

  • Published : 20060000


This paper does not only examine what strategies are needed for sustainable urban development in a dense city, but also estimates impacts of land use on travel patterns in the rail-oriented areas of Seoul. There are three potential strategies to improve the sustainability of development and mobility in such a dense city as Seoul: Multi-centered urban structure, easy access to public transit, and the mixed use of land at the neighborhood level. Seoul have implemented policies of desirable multi-centered urban structure since the 1980s. Seoul also reformed public transit system in 2004 and have tried expanding it to the suburban areas. However, land-use strategies at the neighborhood level have not yet applied to the Seoul metropolitan area. Therefore, we investigated the impacts of factors of land-use patterns on travel mode choice for the rail-oriented areas by using multiple regression models so that its results are expected to contribute to developing strategies of sustainable neighborhood development. First, the results indicate that a denser development tends to encourage people to walk, as compared to drive a car or take transit, and take bus, as compared to take rail. But, the strategy of a denser development in rail station areas needs to be careful in that it also increase driving rather than transit use. Second, they show that strategies on the mixed use of land have positive impacts on walking and subway use for travel in terms of mode choice. Finally, the results show that while walking is a more dominant travel mode in residential-oriented rail station areas, subway tends to be more used by travelers than a car in employment-oriented ones.



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