A Study on the Trends of the Optimum Population in Korea

한국의 적정인구 추세에 관한 연구

Kim, Hyeong-Gi;Lee, Seong-Ho;, 부산대학교

  • Published : 20060000


This paper estimates the optimum population in Korea. The methods of the research use the expansion model of the production function which is applied to 9 explanatory variables among continents of the world and 199 countries, to estimate the optimum population and its projected trends to 2300 in South Korea. The 9 explanatory variables are the PPP GDP, economic integration rate, educational level, English-speaking rate, energy, land, temperature, water resource and transportation distance, and the dependent variable is the world's projected population published in World Population Prospects of United Nations. This research shows that the optimum population in South Korea is anticipated as from 43.5 to 49.5 millions at overall level and at whole period, on the assumption that the growth rate of gross world product will be reached at 0.4 percent in 2300. The optimum population is projected to stay below 45.0 millions in a century so that the positive fertility and family policy should be gradually prepared to arrive at zero population growth slowly. The plan of the optimum population includes two policies, short-range policy and long-range policy, in which the former leads the population between 2025 and 2125 to be slowly approached to the optimum population of 43.5 millions and the latter would lead the future population for 2125-2300 to stabilized population of 48.7 millions by raising the TFR and net migration.



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