A Study on the Development of Assessment Items for the Analysis of Rural Amenities

농촌어메니티 자원분석을 위한 평가항목 개발에 관한 연구

Jo, Sun-Jae;Gang, Bang-Hun;Yun, Hui-Jeong;Kim, Jin-Seon

  • Published : 20060000


Our rural space and amenity resources are quickly destroyed and they are faced with difficult problems, for example environmental pollution, destruction of historical resources and residents' community. Now a days, amenity concept has gotten influential in the field of environment, city and region studies, but that is related to life quality and it is relatively subjective. Therefore, this study intends to develop amenity items and verify the importance and applicability to assess those objectively. This study develops quantitative evaluation items about 100 amenity resources based on related laws and literature review and carries out 25 expert questionnaire survey using likert scale about importance and whether or not the applicability is. The importance analysis of amenity items shows that natural items are higher than cultural and social items. In a concrete way, animals, plants, wetland and biotope and water quality of natural items, cultural building, river landscape and faith space of cultural items and public life facilities, environmental management facilities, production of special product, regional cultural activities of cultural items are more important. In addition, applicability analysis of amenity items shows that natural items are higher than cultural and social items. In a concrete way, animals, forest, and water quality of natural items, castles and temples of cultural items and public parks, festivals and processing special product of cultural items are more applicable.



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