라그랑지 방법을 이용한 진자모형의 알고리즘

Ha, Jong-Gyu

  • Published : 20060000


In this paper one discusses algorithms of two intentional model-designs for the pendulum. First model is the applied single pendulum that is applicable to putting of a golf, and swing motions of a balling and a ring in gymnastics. Second model is the double pendulum which is used to represent the swing motion of two segments for the high bar category in gymnastics.The systems considered here are the swing motion in a ring and a balling and the components of the systems can be changed according to a model-design flexibly. Lagrange's method based on a energy approaching method is implemented as a equation of motion. The solution of a model was solved in Mathematica 5.0. Conclusively, one is intended to meditate the possibility of applying a pendulum to other sports being necessary to a pendulum.It hopes to apply Lagrange's method to other sports skill to simulate its motion in the future study.
