Criteria of Land Purchases for Environmental Conservation of the Greenbelt

개발제한구역의 환경보전을 위한 토지매입 기준에 관한 연구

Gwon, Yong-U;Byeon, Byeong-Seol;Lee, Jae-Jun

  • Published : 20060000


The Greenbelt was established in 1971 year to prevent disorderly urban sprawl, preserve the natural environment, foster a sound environment for urban residents and secure the identity and self-sufficiency of urban communities, etc. In order to fulfill such purposes, land use restrictions within the greenbelt area are being more strongly enforced than other types of land regulations. The government has been promoting public land purchases within the greenbelt areas since 2004 year as part of its plan to actively manage the greenbelt areas. However, with restrictions to purchasable land with limited resources, the purchasing of land needed to fulfill the greenbelt areas must be more highly prioritized. To do this, a more rational land purchase system and system of categorization are required. Therefore, in this study, the laws needed to designate the purpose and management of the greenbelt areas are examined with a view to establish logical land purchase categories to achieve efficient greenbelt management. As a result, 3 categories were derived, characteristics of land on the basis of public land purchases within the greenbelt area, characteristics of land based on the megalopolis concept, and characteristics of landowners. A further 29 sub-categories were further developed



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