중학생의 학부모가 인식하는 체육교사의 역할과 개선점

Gwak, Eun-Chang;O, Mun-Rye;Gwon, Sun-Jeong

  • Published : 20060000


The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents' perspectives of positive and negative aspects on middle school physical education teachers. Subjects were 561 middle school students' parents in three different size of cities. Critical incident technique(Flanagan, 1954) was used to collect the data. The written description were collected on the open questionnaire. The three questions were employed to find the parents' perspectives: the most important role of teacher, the positive and negative aspects. The results of this investigation indicated that physical education teachers should enhance 'physical fitness and health' which considered to be the most important role. The following order were arranged based on the collected written description analysis:'expertise', 'social and moral education', 'counselling' Positive aspects of physical education teachers were 'physical fitness and health' 'expertise', 'counselling', and 'social and moral education'. Negative aspects were as follows: 'teaching behavior', 'physical harrassment', 'teachers' moral', 'teachers' basic ability'. The study suggested that teachers' expertise and basic ability should be enhanced as early as possible to meet the parents' needs. Further exploration should be conducted to understand the parents and students' perspectives on physical education teachers. More number of subjects, different area, school year and school district can provide different perspective. further study should be conducted to understand the parents perspectives on various school settings and contexts.
